
The Introverts Skyrocketing Career in the Post Pandemic Time

18 October 2021

The global pandemic that started in the first quarter of 2020 has turned the life of every person upside-down. Many extroverted workers found the shift from the on-site work to the WFH setup challenging. Indeed, many people have experienced depression and psychological distress because of lockdowns and travel restrictions. However, some individuals saw achievement and a greener pasture during the pandemic season. They are a dark horse in the vast competition amidst the crisis-these are the introverted individuals. 

The Nature of the Introverts:

Most introverted individuals find it more challenging to survive in an office setup with more extroverted individuals. Some of them experience the following in the traditional work paradigm:

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a. Introverts Feel Overwhelmed and intimidated in a crowd:

Introverted individuals experience confusion and intimidation when there are loud and active individuals. In a traditional work setup, they usually get hesitant to share their ideas because some get overwhelmed in a group of more than ten people. Yet, most introverts have colossal talent and capabilities, yet they feel unsure how to channel their prowess. Some of them think twice and do not want to show off. So, when the pandemic started in 2020, many of them had the chance to showcase and highlight their skills. As a result, many employers were surprised by this groundbreaking discovery because the ones who excelled in the pandemic time were the shy and reserved workers. The latter preferred to work alone and in solitary. 

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b. Introverts are Friendly in a Different Way:

This idea is the misconception about introverts. Some people mistakenly think of them as snobbish individuals. The antithesis is: they are not snobbish; they are friendly in a different way. They have the most exciting ideas and insightful opinions because they are natural observers. They are most of the time quiet because they reflect on what they need to do or how these things would affect them in the future. When you meet an introvert, they are the most loyal and attentive listeners you'll meet because they love to keep quiet and listen to others. Hence, you can trust them very much. 

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c. Introverts Are Independent Thinkers:

Most introverted workers are independent thinkers. They love to finish things on their own time and work pacing. When you give them a particular task, they love to finish them out in silence with less supervision. They love to accomplish more things alone, yet they could converse with you for more than an hour when you talk to them. 

Despite the fantastic fact that introverts are independent thinkers, there is still a possibility that they might experience psychological distress and physical exhaustion, just like during the first few months of the pandemic. Hence, they get exposed to the threat of musculoskeletal disorder. Indeed, isolations were not as intricate as it was for introverts, yet it is still for the fact that their interpersonal skills got hampered. It has caused them distress; indeed, no man is an island, and no matter how independent of a thinker a person is, it's still essential that they mingle and interact with other people to expand their perspectives. 

So, moving forward to the next part, introverts are the ones who enjoy being alone while accomplishing their tasks. They find peace and balance when they are not engaging much with a larger crowd. On the other hand, they are also prone to RSIs or repetitive strain injuries. 

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The RSIs or MSDs that Introverts Experience:

The introverts who experience biomechanical pain and psychological distress are prone to musculoskeletal disorders. These injuries could create a long-term effect on people and could impair them when they get old. Some of the common ailments that working introverts might be experiencing are the: 

spine strain 
muscle spasm 
tendon injuries
muscle injuries 
nerve injuries

These injuries can cause diseases at old age. Some working people experience difficulties bending their fingers or straightening their backs because the muscles and nerves already have damage. So, if an introverted worker experiences these pain and injuries, they must use ergonomic pieces like Kana Bamboo Standing Desk and Massage Gaming Chair from FlexiSpot

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The Ergo Prowess for the Quiet Achievers:

Introverted workers who experience RSIs or MSDs are the ones who need the ergonomic treatment from the leading global ergonomics brand-FlexiSpot. Indeed, FlexiSpot is a well-trusted company of the best standing desks, sit-stand desks, stand-up desks, and ergonomic chairs. They have created the 2018 CES award product-the Deskcise V9 Pro. It's a desk bike that CES saw as an innovative product that can alleviate the spine strain and lumbar pain of anyone that makes a prolonged sitting. The desk bike can help them hone their muscle power and can assist them in cycling while finishing a task. Indeed, this desk bike is for introverted workers that want to multitask at work. With this product, a worker can avoid the threat of biomechanical pain that can lead to MSDs. Indeed, FlexiSpot innovates products for the quiet achievers-the ones that are more focused and are pragmatic. 

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The Advantages of Using Ergonomic Pieces from FlexiSpot:

FlexiSpot is a brand that can cater to the needs of working individuals because they have the most outstanding products, such as theEQ3-48" Electric Height Adjustable Standing Deskthat has a sturdy steel frame and exceptional height adjustability. Moreover, all the products from FlexiSpot have the exact design and measurements and can alleviate the ergonomic pain of people experiencing MSDs or any biomechanical pain. Hence, when you use the products from FlexiSpot, you can ensure that these products will help you enjoy your time working alone and focusing on your tasks without experiencing the most unbearable pain around the nerves and muscles. 

Final Thoughts:

The global pandemic had opened more doors for the most talented but most unsung workers. They are the ones that had gotten celebrated most in the pandemic time. And just like the outgoing and gregarious extroverts, the introverts could also show their excellence and pure talent in their ways. Hence, FlexiSpot is here to let them shine more and protect them from the worst kinds of physical pain.