
Precautions for Safe Cycling

12 November 2019

Prevention is better and cheaper than cure they say. Cycling can be so interesting, so much so that one would want to cycle all time.

However, cycling comes with different forms of challenges which can be injurious, this injury can be prevented by adopting some safety measures.

However, what is required of a cyclist anytime you decide to roll out differs from a person to the other depending on:

  • Distance you plan to cover: What is needed for a long journey might actually be different from that which is needed for a shorter and conversely what matters for one might not be necessary for the other
  • Road or Rail conditions: Cyclist knowledge about the credibility of the road or rail will help in making an informed decision as to the must-have before setting out.
  • Whether forecast
  • Your knowledge about where you are going

For a great cyclist, It’s always good to play safe, it’s good to do a quick safety check to make ensure everything is perfect and still fits. As you are aware that your bicycle has tools that can help you maintain your bicycle in good condition. Double-checking the tools and supplies needed for your ride whether long or short. There are lots of precautionary approach as regards you and your bicycle and it includes:

1) Check frame size: The frame constitutes a vital part of your bicycle, you should ensure that both feet should be flat on the ground and also ensure that handlebars & brakes can be easily accessed. 

2) Check saddle: Every part of your bicycle is key for a safe trip, long or short. It is good to look for any possible rips or tears which may be in any part of your bicycleHeight matters when riding the bicycle, therefore endeavor to adjust bicycle to comfortable height as balance and convenience smoothen your ride.

On changing the height, make sure it’s properly secured so there is no drift or shift. 

3) Check handlebars: When planning your ride,cover the ends and ensure that the grips are secured. Many a time, if rider's knee touches the handle bar, there might be a problem which might lead to inconvenience and maybe an accident. Hence, Knees should not be touching the handlebar 

4) Check brakes: As much you'll love to ride the bicycle for even a short journey, ensure that that brake pads are in good condition and not in any way worn. Check for cables in case any of it is frayed. Confirm the condition of both the front and rear brakes and ensure the normal gap between levers and handlebars is maintained. 

5) Check tyres: Guage or Inflate both front and back tyres. Also look out for balding or fraying. Hole in tyre can be dangerous for your movement, ensure there is no holes or tears

6) Check wheels: Check for the front and rare wheels, they both must spin freely. Also, look for loose or broken spokes and check for damages in rims 

7) Check pedals: Pedals has a lot to do with a hitch free movement. Check bicycle pedals and see that they spin freely, also look for any breaks or splits in the pedal. 

8) Check gears: Part of the safety check up is to see that cables are capped and not frayed in any way. 

9) Check chain: Sagging chain can lose form at any time, main reason why they need to be tighten before embarking on any journey. Excess grease can also cause a malfunctioning chain, so balance the use of grease for optimum riding experience. 

10) Check bell, lights & reflectors: Your alarm bell and reflectors are as important as the bike itself in ensuring you are free from any future accident. Do all you can to put your bell and reflectors in good condition and also make sure that the lights are functioningAgain see whether reflectors are tight and secure to prevent it falling off on motion especially when a far distance in involved, check that the bicycle bell, horn and other warning device is firmly attached to the handlebars

If you are a fan of cycling and you would like to keep your laps fit even while you work,we've got a wonderful package for you. It's called the FLEXISPOT under desk bike,with your height adjustable desk,you can enjoy cycling while on seat.

With the flexispot desk bike,you get:

1 Superior comfort as it is designed with great cushioning

2 Increased fitness by burning some calorie

3 You can track time and distance through a LCD display function

4 Greater productivity.

The flexispot under desk bike is highly mobile and it requires no installation,it has a height adjustable seat that satisfies your exact sitting height.