Have you ever been in a situation where you relied on essentials oils to get rid of the muscle pain after a workout or after doing strenuous activities? Well, you’re not alone in this case.
For centuries, people have used essential oils to alleviate body pain and even calming the mind during stressful times. Essential oils are extracted from the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits, and other parts of the plant by various methods including steam distillation. It’s when steam is passed through raw plant material that causes the aromatic compounds vaporize. The oil-soluble components then get separated from the water-soluble ones, making essential oil. Its usage is via inhalation, local application, and baths.
However, some essential oils, if not used properly, can irritate the skin and add to your swelling. In this article, we have a rundown of facts and types of essential oils and their corresponding benefits for you to check out. Read along.
Types of Essential Oils and their Benefits
Lavender Oil
This oil is said to be anti-inflammatory. In a study released by the Journal of Medical Microbiology, lavender is effective in combating fungal infections and has an acceleratory effect on wound healing.
It was tested in 2015 and showed that the lavender essential oil was applied topically during one test, and has provided pain relief compared to a medication called tramadol, which means that it can help treat pain and any associated inflammation.
Another study has proven that inhaling the lavender essential oil scent can reduce the severity of migraine headache symptoms.
Eucalyptus Oil
Did you know that eucalyptus oil is an effective cough suppressant? Almost cough medication available today has this property as their main ingredients. Aside from that, research suggests that eucalyptus oil eases joint pain.
People with back pain and those recovering from a joint or muscle injury can use eucalyptus oil to alleviate the pain. In 2013, study shows that eucalyptus aromatherapy significantly lower inflammation, pain, and blood pressure. This essential oil can be applied to the affected area to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Ginger Oil
Just like the eucalyptus oil, ginger oil aid in joint and knee pain. It has a healing property which is commonly used by osteoarthritis patients. Recent studies indicated that it can help with inflammation – whether you apply a few drops on the affected area, eat, or drink it. However, always do a test patch on a small area first before applying it on the skin.
Peppermint Oil
Essential oils like peppermint oil can help with sore muscles. According to a review by Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, its awakening scent reduces muscle spasms and arthritis pain when a person applies it to the skin or inhales it. It’s also commonly used as a cure for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and chronic headaches.
Vetiver Oil
Also known as Khus Oil, Vetiver is known to relieve arthritis, muscle ache, sprain, and stiffness, but increases venous circulation to help detoxification of tissues. It has an earthy scent and is proven to revitalize while relieving insomnia, tension, and depression. Because of its properties, Vetiver is also used in baths for calming and relaxing effect on the body.
How to use Essential Oils
As mentioned above, essential oils can be inhaled, applied on the skin, and even eat it. Here are more detailed ways on how you can make the most of your essential oils
We’ve visited a spa from time to time, and one of the reasons why we feel good after a good massage is because of the oil they’re using. They make use of essential oil into the skin to help loosen up muscles and alleviate pain.
If you have a diffuser at home, try adding a few drops of your chosen essential oil and inhale the steam in a closed room. Inhaling these oils stimulates the olfactory system which provides a psychological and physical benefits.
Another way to use essential oils is by dissolving it in water and bathing in it. Add a few drops on your hot bath so it can help combat weakness and dizziness.
Overall, there is no harm in adding essential oils to alleviate the pain you’re currently experiencing right now, however, always use caution when trying a new essential oil. Consult a doctor first if you’re pregnant, nursing, or you have an existing medical condition.