
Be a Cable Management Pro With FlexiSpot

15 May 2020

The table is sleek;  monitors are up-to-date, and all other accessories are top-notch. All are perfectly arranged on top of the table just the way they should be. But how about the cords and cables underneath? Are they organized in a way that will make your workspace neat and safe?

Cable management is just as important as setting up all the office tools. Simply put, cable management is sorting out the cables and wires and keeping them out of sight with an accessory. A step forward would be establishing which cable belongs to a gadget since it can be confusing and time-consuming to figure out what cord goes where.

You can just imagine a workspace with all the cable clutter! It is an eyesore and a safety hazard since anyone can trip on the lines anytime. We just never know what happens so it is best to be proactive in this area. Some people put cable management on the bottom of the to-do list in organizing an office but putting this in the priority list is going to be beneficial at the end of the day.


The Advantages of Cable Management

  •  Let us give you more reasons why pouring in extra time and energy for cable management is important:Workplace safeness is of the essence. Putting the safety of everyone who comes into your office space is crucial. Especially if you work at home and your kids frequently visit your office, then this is an important matter that must be attended to immediately. Your kid might run or trip over the cords and that might cause havoc in your office. While playing, It is no laughing matter when someone falls into an accident because of disorderly cords and wires, especially when it could have been avoided in the first place with cable management practices. It pays to hide the wires in places with high foot traffic with the right product like this.
  • It makes interiors more pleasing to the eye. A functional space is great but why not take it up a notch higher in the aesthetics department? When cords and cables are completely hidden, a room looks spick and span. It gives off the vibe that everything was well thought from start to finish. Plus, if you entertain clients in your workspace, it will also create a positive and impressive first impression of your business or service.
  • Cable management prepares you for space transitions. Changes are inevitable and your cable management skills will help you in this area. You might need more monitors or cabinets or replace old monitors in the future. Since all your cords are neatly tucked in one area, taking out old cables and replacing them with new ones will be a smooth operation.
  • It will give you an efficient workspace. You want to move to another space, but you are afraid to remove the wrong plug and interrupt the work process of another gadget. In another scenario, you took off the plug because you were confident that it was the right one and,your child might unplug some cords which can be time consuming to put back since the cords are jumbled. Or worse, your youngster might accidentally drag a gadget or two and make them crash since everything is interconnected,  in the process, turned off a laptop without saving that Word file you have been working on. What a nightmare! Those are tough situations that could have been avoided if cable management was already in place. Do not take chances and make sure to arrange the cords and cables for a more well-organized workplace.
  • It increases workspace ergonomics. You might have heard about ergonomics before. It is the process of designing or arranging workplaces to ensure that people who use them fit and function as they should be. In this case, a neat working space devoid of disorganized cables and cords will do wonders to create a restful environment.


Tidy Up Your Space Now

Now you know some benefits, and you might be thinking where to begin. If in case, your cords and cables are already making you uneasy, there is still hope. You can start with the following steps:

  • - Do plan properly. Check your cords and take note of all the details like width and length so you can get the right accessory.
  • - Do your research. Take your time in looking for the right component. There are plenty of cable management devices online but for a superior item, check out this product (https://flexispot.com/standing-desk-accessories/storage-and-organization/cable-spine-cmp017)
  • - Don’t be afraid to ask the experts. If you want to learn more about a brand’s products, by all means, go ahead and make that call. Since going out of the house is still not highly encouraged because of the pandemic, you might as well double-check if the product that you will purchase is right for you.


The FlexiSpot Difference

If you want an easy-to-use cable management product, check out FlexiSpot Cable Spine CMP017. Sleek and modern in design this cable spine is long and flexible enough to keep cords from desk to the floor.

It also has removable snap-together blocks so that you can adjust its length and appearance on surfaces. Not only that, but it is also stable as it has a metal base for added weight and stability. It is the perfect accessory to aid you in cable management.


Start Now!

FlexiSpot can help you with your cable management adventure. We say adventure because there might already be a jungle of wires in your office waiting to be untangled or the cables are starting to become an unruly bunch under your desk. Either way, we are here to help and you can count on our product to make that lasting difference in your workspace