Repetitive motion injuries are common among people aged 20 and up in Canada. The report of Workplace Safety North-Ontario Mine Rescue stated that 2.3 million Canadians suffered from RSI- 1 out of 10 people suffering from this condition, to be exact. This result was one of the things they found in the study (Is Your Job Causing You Pain; news post; February 13, 2018).
Now, looking at some situations at work, three years after the study got published, workers still experience MSD or musculoskeletal disorders because of the following injuries that you might be experiencing now in 2021:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Golfer's elbow
Shoulder pain
These are some of the injuries that build up because of repetitive motions and improper office posture. On the other hand, clinics funded by the Ontario Ministry of Labor (MOL), such as the OHCOW (Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers), pave the way for more workers around the globe to understand their safety. This opportunity is not just for Canadian workers. In actuality, OHCOW disseminates the information through their annual free webinars to talk about the RSI-related issues that workers might be experiencing.
In addition, Dan Suess, the WSN Health and Safety Specialist, explained that all the RSI-related reports across the province in different sectors summed up to 43 percent of lost-time claims. These could gravely affect the operations of a company.
On this matter, if you are an employer who aims to protect your employees from RSI-related cases, you need to take the golden opportunity and let Flexispot help you provide your workers the best ergonomics at home and in the office.
One of the ways to help your workers overcome the threat of MSD is preventing the injuries we mentioned above from occurring, such as giving out the best ergonomic products such as desk converters. Flexispot can provide these products for your company. As we move along, let us have the four reasons to use these desk converters. In addition, we will talk about the reason for choosing Flexispot as your ergonomics solution provider. So, let us move on now with the next part of the discussion.
Finding Ergo with Flexispot:
Flexispot is the best global brand of ergonomic standing desks, sit-stand desks, stand-up desks, and ergonomic chairs. From the Kana Bamboo Standing Desks to the Massage Gaming Chair that most Canadian patrons rely on, Flexispot also innovates desk converters that one could move from one place to the other.
With Flexispot products, you can bet dollars to doughnuts that your employees would be able to get the ergonomic protection that they need at work. Hence, even these products seem to cost a pretty penny at the start, and you would realize that in the long run, you would be able to save more from the possible lost-time claims and medical expenses of the employees. Moreover, you can maintain a robust employee-employer relationship because you would be able to win the hearts of your workers by caring for their well-being. So, in trusting Flexispot, you entrust half of the company's future.
Now, moving on to the next part of the discussion, let us talk about four main reasons using desk converters at work is effective.
The Four Reasons:
a. Desk Converters Are Space-Saving:

Flexispot offers space-saving desk converters such as the Standing Desk Converters M7MB-35" and Standing Desk Converters M7B-28". These products would help you optimize your movement. Both desk converters only have 28.4" width and 34.6" desktop width. So, looking at the width dimension, you could assume that it would not consume much of the workspace. With a compact design, you could optimize the workspace already without many hassles.
b. Desk Converters Could Help Your Workers Achieve the Neutral Wrist Position:
With the removable keyboard trays of the desk converters, you may ensure that your workers would not strain their tendons and tendon sheaths that cause tendonitis and tenosynovitis. Further, with this feature, you may ensure that the workers would not force their wrists and fingers to bend too much compared to the non-ergonomic pieces.
If you compare these ergonomic products to ordinary keyboard surfaces, you will notice that the structure of the usual keyboards adds pressure to the fingers, tendons, and arm area. Hence, most workers feel the most pain around their hands because of the stress accumulated while typing on the non-ergonomic keyboard surface.
c. Desk Converters at Flexispot Are Sturdy despite the Size:
The desk converters at Flexispot are durable and sturdy. They can carry the weight of 1-2 devices. They may not be as tall as the standing desks, but you can ensure that these desk converters would not collapse or get damaged when workers put laptops or monitors.
Another reason why these desk converters are durable is they have a bracing system that can ensure that the product's desktop would not collapse. The brace itself has a high-grade quality that makes it durable against rust and wear and tear. Hence, even for long years of usage, you can ensure that your work benefits from using this product.
Most of all, these converters have prevention pads and preventive rubber feet. These parts could promote utmost convenience and safety to the users. Hence, your employees could manage to put one to two devices on top without these desk converters wobbling.
d. The Desk Converters From Flexispot Are Easy to Move Around the Workplace:
Desk converters are famous because of their single handle function. With just an easy grip on the sides of these desk converters, you may ensure that you can move the desk converters from one place to another. This function prevents wrist pain too. Thus, when an employee lifts this product, he can ensure that he would not hurt his hands and wrist at all.
Final Thoughts
So, looking at these features and functions of the Flexispot Desk Converters, you could ensure that your employees would get ergonomically protected against the MSD or RSI. Indeed, you could encourage them to pull up their socks at work and realize their fulfillment as workers because they feel that their company values them very much.