Working from home or working remotely might have its fair share of advantages such as no longer having to deal with your daily commute or no longer having to spend money on lunch and cooking food at home instead, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t pose it’s own disadvantages as well. One of the biggest problems of working from home is maintaining the same kind of focus that you have when working at the office. In this article we’ll be sharing 3 simple ergonomic tips you can use to ensure that you stay productive and on top of your work despite having to work from home.
Dedicate Space for Where You Work
When it comes to working from home, you’re no longer confined to your office cubicle or desk but that doesn’t mean you should just work anywhere! Avoid working in spaces where you rest, like your bed or your couch. Working in these spaces could lead to neck and back pain. Apart from the lack of support these spaces provide, a Harvard study has also explained the negative psychological effect this has. They state that it’s important to create a boundary between where you work and where you relax because “you may start to feel like you’re always at work.” This means that it’ll become harder for you to eventually rest where you work as your mind will associate it with work instead of rest and relaxation. Opt instead to dedicate a space for where you’ll work.
Find the Right Chair
Now that you’ve decided to dedicate a separate space to work, the next step to a more productive work environment is finding the right chair for you. Spending long hours in front of your computer or laptop can be tiring, to be able to work longer and better, opt for an ergonomic office chair like the OC3B Office Chair or try using an unconventional chair like the GC01 Gaming Chair. Both these chairs provide you with proper support for your neck, back and spine, which can help relieve pain and allow you to focus more while you work. Proper support also helps encourage better blood flow which can help boost productivity. Ergonomic chairs are your best best as they often have multiple adjustable functions that allow you to adjust your chair to your needs. This is especially important when working from home as it allows you to modify your workspace to help you get your mindset focused on the work you have to do.
Upgrade Your Desk
While upgrading your desk is a great way to keep supported and focused, upgrading your desk is another ergonomic tip that can help transform your home office. Opt for standing desk converters to upgrade your desk from basic to something truly ergonomic. The benefit of standing desk converters is that it ensures that you have the proper screen height while allowing you to easily convert between a standing position to a sitting position. Standing at certain times of that day has been proven to help improve focus and help relieve the pressure of spending long hours sitting down. You can also opt to completely trade off your old desk for a height adjustable standing desk. This will help you reap the benefits of working while standing such as better posture and lowered risk of health risks that comes with the sedentary lifestyle of sitting too long.
Find What Works For You
We hope you’ve found our top 3 ergonomic tips useful. Ultimately, the key to staying productive when working from home is finding the right tools that work for you. Whether you’re working home for now or permanently, always remember that ergonomics is all about creating workspaces and environments that work for your needs. For more tips on lifestyle, wellness, ergonomics and more, visit the FlexiWellness Center!