You've recently completed a challenging project at work. After six months, this is the first time you've ever spent unwinding at home on your sofa. Even though it’s raining outside, the fact that the entire family is home because it's the weekend is the ideal situation.
You want to make up for the lost time even for just today since you haven't been home in a while. Even though you don't have to go out, you want to maximize your joint free time before leading separate lives once more. What can you then do?

Every family member will make a traditional pastry and decorate it uniquely.
Have each person make a dessert, but don't provide a recipe. Anyone is free to make their own pastry according to their own preferences. Then, each of you will design it in your own unique way. Make a cake that reflects your individuality by letting your creative juices flow. Someone needs to make an impartial decision; perhaps you should ask your neighbor next door.
Start a fun tournament of board games.
Nearly every household has a large collection of board games. Set up competition and arrange these. The chess champion will compete against the snakes and ladders champion. Scrabble and Monopoly are two board games that anyone can join. Online games like League of Legends or a classic DOTA game are also an option. The winner of the competition must take home a tempting prize. For example, the winning team can live without housework for a month!

Watch a movie that you enjoyed when you were younger.
Even if watching a movie is such a basic activity, it affects you differently when you do it with memories. Additionally, you rarely watch things again with the same lens. Since you know what's going to happen next, you can now focus more on the specifics of each scene, nuances that you might have missed the first time you saw it. Because you matured, you now have new ideals, guiding principles, and life lessons to help you navigate through the narrative. You are a lot more informed now, and we guarantee you'll appreciate analyzing the film with a more informed mind. You can also think back on earlier times.
Create a home spa.
You all reside at home and lead busy lives. Create a home spa to make the most of it. Use DIY facial treatments to re-energize and revitalize. To have the most relaxing massage of your life, hire a masseuse. Perhaps hiring a team will make it easier for the entire family to receive messages at the same time. To complete the mood, provide peaceful music and place calming scents throughout your home.

Make one big art piece.
Why not construct a mural, a mosaic, or anything else with your hands or paintbrushes covered in paint or other creative supplies. There are no restrictions on the type of art you could produce as a family because it is yours. You can create individual pieces and have someone judge them at the end, or you can create a single work of art on a large canvas that you can hang in your family room or living room.
Work out together.
Have a fun Zumba session or an introductory beginner acro yoga class to get everyone moving. Everyone will enjoy working out together since exercise causes the production of endorphins or happy hormones. You can also teach your family a dancing routine. Make a video, share it on social media, and who knows? It might turn out to be the next Internet sensation.

Play a fun game of family trivia.
You can't remember the last time you all congregated in one location. Play a fun family quiz game to see how well you know one another. The family member who has the most correct answers will win. Each person will ask two to three questions about themselves. You will know more about your loved ones during the game, and it's a lot of fun.
Jam together.
By all means, take up some instruments and jam with your family if you are a musical ensemble. Pick a song that everyone can sing along to. A person can play the guitar, another person is in charge of the drums, and a third person is in charge of the piano. The remainder can perform the song or play various instruments. Another performance that you can record on video and broadcast to the entire world or your other family members.

In your garage, create a disco roller skating rink.
A disco ball, music, and roller skates are all that is required. Of course, you also need to have room in your garage to skate around. Make sure it's tidy and leave your car outside while you wait. To accommodate each member of the family's musical preferences, you can mix different musical eras.
Decorate your home together.
Maybe you’ve been putting off designing your shared space together. Now is the best time to finally make small things such as framed quotes or dried flowers for your home decor. You can also rearrange the layout of your house, where certain furniture will be placed in your home. Maybe you can make a Pinterest board and flash it on your Smart TV. You can bring out the credit card and start shopping for furniture that you think will be great for your house. While you’re at it, why not buy ergonomic furniture? You might think it’s impulsive but it’s actually a great investment. By buying ergonomic furniture, you are investing in good physical and mental health. You are also able to work more productively and efficiently which means you can finish more work quickly and deliver better outputs because of sharpened focus.
Final Word
You might think these slow days are normal and not fun. Some may regard it as boring. But if you make the most out of your shared free time with family, you can only come out of this one day feeling more loved and ready to give love. You will feel much closer with your family and you will long again for another day like this.