It’s been two years and you’re still working for the same company. You give your best for every project that your boss assigns to you. Your teammates know how reliable you are and they enjoy working with you. Even with these top-tier traits, you are still stuck in the same position with hardly any salary raise. You are still waiting for that opportunity to prove yourself. One time, there was a project that you wished was assigned to you but yet it was given to your officemate, a new hire who just entered the company three months ago. It’s been two years and you are still waiting in line for a promotion.
You’ve wondered too many times why it is taking so long. You work hard enough every day and yet your boss never seems to notice you enough to get promoted. You are still waiting to be assigned to a big project that you know in yourself that you can handle. Lately, you have been feeling stuck and really wanting to get the most out of where you are now. But you think it’s not within your control so you contemplate if it’s time to move on if it’ll be better to resign and go to a company where they’ll value your contributions.
You probably want to ask your boss right now what the issue is. Before you do that, take a look at your performance first. Are you a proactive employee? Do you do additional work not stated in your job description? When you’re done with your work, do you offer help to your colleagues? Fast Company lists this as one of the attributes of a fearless employee.
It’s time to put a stop to the long wait. You need to step up now, initiate and make an opportunity for yourself. Becoming more proactive is the answer. If you want to be a foot forward than everybody else, you have to do a little more than the assigned work. You have career dreams and plans that you must fulfill, and they’re not going to happen if you just wait and watch. Show everyone at your job that you can take charge, and take it very seriously.
The highly proactive people are the ones who hold the most success in their careers. You exceed the expectations of your bosses. You present your skills and strengths, what you could offer for the betterment of the company. People know that you’re a team player, and they have you in mind when they need someone for a big project. This shows that you care about the business, your officemates, and for your personal growth to achieve what you want with your career.
We understand it’s hard if being proactive does not come naturally to you. Plus, there’s that added layer that you don’t want to step on other people’s toes or do something extra without the approval of your supervisor. Don’t be overruled by fear that you won’t speak up just because you might get a scolding for overstepping boundaries. If you are confident that you are doing something right, then there’s nothing you should be scared about.
Here are a few tips on how you could be more proactive at work.

List down your strengths and weaknesses.
You should always make a record of your strengths and weaknesses, even though you are already employed. Do your bosses know what your strengths and talents are? Are you able to use them for your work?
Assess your weaknesses as well. They might even add up to your strengths. For instance, you see that being the youngest in your team is an issue. Reframe your mindset and see it as an advantage that you know what’s trendy in today’s market and could contribute your views about that. An understanding of your colleagues and company culture is also a must before you step up.

Choose the project that suits your strengths.
We are not suggesting simply adding an extra workload for you. You should also think about the company’s benefit, if the project will be good for it, and not just mind what will help you get a step up the corporate ladder.
You may refer to these questions as a guide:
Research information about the business, company, or industry and write them down in bite-sized facts.
From this list, identify opportunities for your company to enter.
Look for what your company is lacking.
What strikes your interest in the business? Which of these do you have the skills to help with?
Be prepared to work with a different set of people once you assume other responsibilities at work. When management notices that you are able to work with different types of people, they will know your interest to grow your career in the company.

Sell yourself and what you can do.
To do this effectively, you have to be confident with what you could add to a project. Be direct and make your boss aware of why they need you in the team. Will it benefit the company and how? What will you offer to the project?
Know the importance of the project for the company. Ask a colleague or mentor for their opinion. Over time, you’ll find a project that speaks to your heart.

Make sure you can still fulfill your existing responsibilities.
None of this will matter if the extra workload will take up your time and you won’t be able to fulfill your main job. The main tasks should never be sacrificed; otherwise, you have to learn to manage your time wisely or to give up the extra load.
You have to be careful in treading this. When you are proactive and then you replace your responsibilities with duties for your self-initiated project, then it will show your boss that you are unable to manage your time. This might be the reason why you’ve never advanced to a higher position in your company.
Tip: Work more efficiently by using ergonomic furniture such as a standing desk that will help you stay alert throughout the day.

Communicate your future goals and plans to your boss
Tell your bosses where you want your career to be heading. Ask them nicely to let you know if there are opportunities available for you. If your manager is good at handling his or her people and you expressed your interest in a specific job post, then he or she should inform you when there are upcoming projects that will suit your interests, skills, and strengths.