Culturally, Canadians value generosity as part of their identity as a nation. It always brings joy to the hearts of many Canadians to extend charity, such as spending more time and giving financial aid to anyone that needs their help. You would see that every Canadian observes and follows this culture by heart. The art of giving has psychological benefits, indeed. So, when you feel happy after giving some donations to the charity, then it shows that you benefit from the psychological effect of giving.

The Science of Giving:
In psychology, experts have already proved that when a person practices this positive habit of extending help or give, they begin to have the "helper's high." It's a feeling that results from an increase in dopamine levels in the brain, and it sends signals that can make the person feel a fulfilling sense of reward and accomplishment.
Physically, the act of giving can create positive ripple effects on the body. When a person extends help and gives more, it lowers blood pressure and protects themselves from chronic pain and stress.
So, looking at the positive effects when you decide to extend help and give more to people, you might consider ways to extend generosity. You might think of friends or colleagues that need ergonomic protection like you. Hence, if you're thinking of what to give them, then try the Refer and Earn at FlexiSpot (the home of the well-trusted Kana Bamboo Standing Desks and Massage Gaming Chair)

The Catch:
The Refer and Earn program at FlexiSpot can give you the chance to show your generosity to your friends. It would not just make you feel confident and fulfilled but would let you create a stronger bond with friends, albeit the amount that your friend may receive from you is not that huge compared to a CA$50 discount. So, let's talk about how this could be possible.
The Refer and Earn program will allow you to avail of the CA$15 off coupon. Just drop your email address here. Then, you can check your email for further instruction and referral links. Once you have the referral link, you can choose the friend who can receive it and use the discount when buying items with a minimum of CA$150.
Once they purchase using your referral link, you will receive CA$10 cashback. Although being generous does not mean you're going to wait for something in return, it's still lovely to receive such an amount like the CA$10. Your friends will appreciate this kind act which can strengthen your friendship.
The Lucky Friends and Colleagues:
It's always lovely to receive simple surprises from the people you know. In these trying times, it's good to maintain your connections with friends and colleagues. Despite the shift in the work paradigm, staying connected with friends can help you alleviate your worries. More and more people may have already gotten their vaccinations, but more variants are coming out, so it's still important to be careful. Hence, a WFH setup is still a must. Working remotely at home can be daunting at times, so staying connected with dear people is essential.
Through this little act of generosity, you can maintain connections with them, and it will excite them to see the referral link for the CA$15 off. So, if you have names in your mind now, let's talk about the four people you can make smile with the CA$15 coupon.
a. One of the Close Friends:
You might have that one chum from your circle of friends who are planning to buy an excellent standing desk, a sit-stand desk, or a stand-up desk. It will be best to give them the referral link because the CA$15 off can significantly help them when they decide to buy the EG1 Electric Height Standing Desk. So, imagine the great help you can give them even with a simple gift like the CA$15 off.
b. Fellow Church Member:
You might have a church friend that also needs a new piece of equipment because of the remote work. If they need a new product at home, you may give them the referral link too. With this act, it's not just them that you help; you also give yourself a sense of fulfillment. A kind of rewarding feeling that can make your heart full of happiness. So, don't forget to send them the referral link.
c. The Barista at Your Favorite Coffee Shop:
You might have been frequenting Timmies for a year now. As a result, you might have made friends with the barista there who also needs ergonomic protection. So, you can be generous to them too. Try giving them the referral link and let them know the good news of FlexiSpot. We all know that Baristas experience biomechanical pain too. They might be looking for a piece of equipment such as the Deskcise V9 Pro that can help these people shed pounds and let their blood circulation be better. So, the next time you order a Double double, you may grab that chance too to tell them the great news.
d. Your Office Colleague:
The shift in the work setup should not change the bond you share with your colleagues regardless of whether you always maintain a professional work relationship. You might all be working at home, and you have not had the chance to spend breaks with them for a year now. So, it's best to reconnect with them by emailing them the referral code and telling them that they may try giving their referral link.
With this simple act of generosity, you maintain the connection between you and your colleague. So, don't hesitate to message them and start the conversation during your breaks. It'll be an excellent ice breaker or a great discussion.
Final Thoughts:
When we cultivate the value of kindness and generosity, our acts become a habit. Eventually, when we practice that habit, it becomes our belief. When being generous becomes our belief, it becomes our way of life. Ultimately, the small act of giving can inspire more people to become better. Indeed, it's always lovely to wake up in the morning or end the night with a grateful heart. When we keep this value in our hearts and minds, our next generation will learn much from us. So, CA$15 indeed might be a simple gift, but having the heart to give it generously makes a big difference.