For the clumsiest of us, the dreaded water spill on the gadget we’ve been saving up for months is not a rare incident. In less than 20 seconds, we would see our life gone before us---the files we forgot to backup and need for work, and the photos and videos from our travels of ages ago. To torture us some more, at that moment of confusion, we suddenly remember we did not sign-up for additional insurance, and the one that the gadget automatically comes with does not cover spillage. We freeze and stare some more. What else is there to do?
An accident is an accident. There’s no use in stressing about it when the damage has already been done. It most likely wants to wake us up that we shouldn’t be lazy in backing up our files if not keeping a clutter-free workstation. As the expression goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry,” we give you some tips to not find yourself in the same pickle. Aside from investing in an external hard drive, waterproof your workstation by following these helpful tips:
1. Put your gadgets on a height.
Elevating your devices has always been recommended for a reason. Aside from preventing overheating and keeping your posture straight to avoid neck and back pain, it also prevents nearby liquids, a cup of coffee, or a glass of water, from sentencing your device to death.
FlexiSpot has the following products that you can use to elevate your gadgets:

a. Standing Desk Converters M7B-28"
Using this on top of your desk will instantly give you a three-level workstation: topmost level with a big desktop; second level with a laptop, tablet, or keyboard; bottom level is actual desk space with your essentials.
This desk has desktop-sized at 28.4” by 16.3” and can carry up to 33 pounds. It comes with a keyboard tray that’s 28.4” by 12.1” and can hold up to 4.4 pounds. The keyboard tray is removable and can be quickly released. The U-shaped desktop cutout of the desk itself in the middle makes the removable tray a good area for a laptop, if not a keyboard.
The desk height can be adjusted from 4.7 inches to 19.7 inches high. You only need to use a single handle to adjust its height. Moreover, both the base frame and the keyboard tray have protective rubber pads and rubber feet underneath to ensure safety, comfort, and protection.
Alcoveriser Standing Desk Converter M7

b. Single Monitor or Dual Monitor Mount
FlexiSpot also has a more sleek option: a Single Monitor Mount or the Dual Monitor Mount F7D. The former has a fully adjustable arm that could easily be rotated, extended, swiveled, or tilted. The latter has two. Moreso, all of the arms can rotate up to 360 degrees, a feature most graphic designers and web coders would love. Both only take a few minutes to install and have a built-in cable management system that could magically hide wires from eyesight, removing additional desk clutter in an instant.

2. Have multiple storage areas for your desk items.
A clean, well-maintained workstation will help you be more efficient and also keep unwanted incidents---for this instance, a water spill---from happening. When you have multiple storage solutions installed such as an under-desk drawer or a mobile file cabinet within reach, you will have easier access to your work essentials. Or you can pick a desk that already comes with a pull-out drawer. You can label each storage space so that you won’t forget where you placed a rim of bond paper or last week’s tax papers. The fewer items in your working desk space, the better---not only for aesthetics but also, as mentioned above, for efficiency and preventing electronics-related accidents. It will save you hours of looking for a valuable item you urgently need, which accounts for less movement in the workplace that reduces the chances of toppling over a cup or glass you placed on the table.

3. Purchase water tumblers or mugs with lockable lids.
Now if you’re the clumsy type and you know it yourself to be true, another foolproof way to avoid a wet accident is to purchase water tumblers with lockable caps or mugs that come with lids. It’s not that hard to find them in the grocery store or a furniture shop in the mall plus it’s just an extra buck for the added protection. The problem is so common, there are even anti-spill tumblers sold now with a smart grip technology that sticks to the surface so when you accidentally knock it over, the tumbler won’t even budge or move a tiny bit.

4. Buy a waterproof case or opt for a water-resistant gadget in the first place.
Another worthy investment that would need extra dough is a waterproof case or a water-resistant gadget. They would lure you into buying every accessory your gadget can have so make sure you’re armed with the necessary information in order to make a sound decision on what to choose. A waterproof case, for example, must be checked for its submersion factor or how long it would be able to last underwater before the gadget loses power. In the first place, you may also opt for the water-resistant gadget, many options already available in the market. For sure, you’ll have to pay some extra bucks in the store but if it means saving you the hassle and the burden of losing your files to water spillage, then it might just be worth the investment. It’s not a stretch to say that it might even cost you less in the long run.
But let’s say, the water did spill on your gadget before you even had the chance to waterproof it, calm down, take a chill pill, and let us help you. Below are six steps that you could do when your gadget or electronic device does get drowned in water:
There’s no better knee-jerk reaction than grabbing your gadget immediately.
Immediately turn your gadget off and take all the pieces, the ones that you could, apart.
Get a soft cloth or preferably a microfiber cloth and dry your gadget with it.
Once dried, reach for a resealable bag, fill it with rice and put your gadget inside.
Be patient and do not turn the gadget back on right away. Wait for more or less 24 hours then turn it on for the moment of the verdict if it is still alive.
Head to the service center and report the incident, especially if your gadget is still not working.
Final Thoughts
Prevention is always better than cure. We hope this serves as a lesson to take extra care of those expensive electronic devices by organizing one’s workstation. We guarantee you that the extra bucks, time, and effort will save you a lot of stress, help you be more productive at work, and, generally, even put you in a lighter mood while finishing a bunch of tasks. As mentioned above, it’s better to be safe than sorry.