
How to Make Your New Year Resolutions Stick

05 January 2022

A fresh new perspective springs when the New Year comes.

People yearn for new beginnings, plan new activities, and some, set out to incorporate changes in their daily routine. It’s probably why, even though they fail most of the time, many people still sit down and write their New Year Resolutions.

They want to start with a better and improved version of themselves. Most want to lose not only the holiday weight but also to reach their best shape yet. Others want to finally stop smoking because they see the hazardous effects it has on one’s health. Some want to take the plunge and start their dream business. There are a few who already want to settle down, start a family, and leave their old ways. Some want to be more present at the moment and stay less on their phones.

We’re pretty sure you’ve heard one or more of these before. Well, maybe because you have been making these resolutions almost every year. Good for you if you’ve followed through with ones you wrote before but we’re guessing you still haven’t since you landed this article. How do you make sure that New Year Resolutions stick anyway?

There’s only one simple answer: create new habits.

You have to be patient when you want something to stick. A change in behavior doesn’t happen overnight. It should be a daily commitment on your part until it becomes almost instinctive to your body and you’ve already welded your way into a routine. If you do something regularly, stopping will just give you a weird feeling or may have a negative effect on the routine you’ve already established. You would find yourself continuing the grind and following through with every New Year resolution that you wrote. For something to not make it to your list next year, do the work now and make the changes last for a lifetime. Here are steps to help ensure a better you.

1. Don’t hesitate to dream big.

When you aspire to reach something big, the chances are people would be looking up to you. Being their source of inspiration, they’ll cheer you on and inspire you to continue going. This cheerleading squad could even directly help you reach your goal. Remember, big goals would drive you to move. Maybe you want to study abroad so you save up money for school at the moment. Maybe you want to finish a marathon. Then, you run almost every day to train for that dream of yours.

2. Break down the big dreams into small tasks.

After you’ve written your “ambitious” dream, focus on the small tasks to help you get there. We don’t want you to be overwhelmed with what it takes to make your dream a reality. To enjoy the process, think small in terms of actions. Think about what you could do today that will ultimately make you a step closer to your dreams. The more you do something every day, the better you get at it. The more detailed a task is, the easier and less daunting it feels to fulfill.

Another pro of doing this is that it builds your confidence. Every time you tick off something on your to-do list, you feel more empowered to fulfill one task at a time and that you could make your “impossible” dream come true. This would also make you love the process more instead of beating yourself up that you’ve been working hard but haven’t been reaching anything.

3. Sit down and understand why the change is not needed.

It’s hard to change what you’ve already been accustomed to. Trying hard will take a lot of energy and in some cases, you might even think that you are being ripped off your soul. But unhealthy behaviors, in one way or another, must be taken out of your life. So take the time to think and have a list of pros and cons. When the list is in favor of making a change, then you’ll most likely adopt the change. Another effective way to create a healthy habit is to enjoy the aspects of an unhealthy habit without the action itself. Harvard Health Publishing cites an example of taking a break while smoking. Why not take a break and enjoy it even when you are not having a smoke?

4. Commit to the change.

You have to be accountable for your actions. Write a pledge to people that you do not want to disappoint. If you want a stronger commitment, post the promise online. Make a status on Facebook, tweet about it every day, and look for individuals who are wanting to make the same change.

5. Learn from your past mistakes.

Why did this resolution fail the last time? Analyze what habit worked and what did not. Look at the challenge; was it too big for you to fulfill? If it was too ambitious and unrealistic, think of small steps for you to get back on track. Did the goal not matter to you that much? In this case, maybe you have to think bigger. Focus on things that matter to you the most and the goal will have a heavier weight on you if left unaccomplished.

6. Reward yourself.

Build a growth mindset rather than a growth mindset. You’re setting yourself up for failure if you just look at the big wins and don’t acknowledge the small successes of your journey. For example, you want to complete a full marathon. Cheer yourself on every time you pass two kilometers. Hype yourself and also allow other people to cheer for you. There are many online support groups that could help uplift your mood if you’re feeling demotivated.

7. Be grateful.

Everything you do makes you grow as a person. No one is perfect and so is your journey. Don’t strive for perfection but for progress. Even when you are just limping to finish a marathon, have the end in mind that you are going to complete it. Harvard Health Publishing says that “Any activity is always better than none. Be grateful for your growth. Every time you’re able to do something, be grateful for the opportunity and keep moving forward.

Tool to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions

To help you achieve your goals of finally starting and finishing a project, being more efficient at work, or learning a new skill, gear up and invest in ergonomic products. FlexiSpot currently has its Christmas House up until January 7 for discounts. It also has a New Year sale up until the end of January.