It’s normal to be excited to enroll your kids in school and extracurricular activities. It might even be your firstborn and you already have a mental list of what activities you will be introducing to your kid. Of course, we won’t impose anything that they don’t like but it’s the parents who open the gates to help their children find their interests in life. They are still at that age when they could not decide for themselves just yet so you need to step up and help clear the path. What you do is sign them up for activities that are available near home considering your budget, schedule, and their age.
Just remember that you have to do your best to be present during your kid’s good and bad days. If ever they get into an activity and suddenly lose interest, support them. If they soar high and excel in an activity, support them.
Sport is a field that kids will learn a lot from. This is why it’s highly recommended for parents to enroll them in at least one sport. Below is a list of benefits kids may get from engagement in sports.

Benefits of Sports for Kids
1. Kids learn teamwork through sports.
Team sport or not, kids who get engaged in sports learn early on that it takes a whole village to achieve a common goal. They have to listen to their coaches, get support from their parents, and work in a team to win a game. This teaches them more about their unique strengths and weaknesses and how they could communicate this to the rest of the team to gain victory.
2. Discipline is learned through sports.
A winner is not born overnight. Sports inculcates discipline in kids because they have to attend practices and games on time. This means sacrificing screen time and replacing it with training that may not always be fun for them. Moreover, they subscribe to the set of rules their sport has. They should also follow instructions from their coaches. To be excellent at a sport requires discipline, and your kid will hopefully learn that with a smile on his or her face.
3. Self-esteem is help built through sports.
When they get more involved and engaged in a sport, your children will notice the progress and growth they are experiencing through the process. This leads them to be confident with their skills and abilities. Small achievements, like winning friendly games throughout the year, will help build your children’s self-esteem, a trait that will trickle into other aspects of their lives.
Make sure that your child does not attach self-esteem to the concept of victory and defeat. As a parent, your job is to check up on your children and ask if they had fun after a game or practice. You should also have an open conversation about personal limits and work towards improving weaknesses.
4. Kids learn the value of defeat through sports.
A sport could help teach a kid that in life, things don’t always go in their favor. They should know that losing is a part of the game. It’s okay. You should help them see a loss as a learning opportunity so that they will learn from their mistakes and avoid them the next time. They could work on becoming a better version of themselves.
5. Sports welcomes your kid in social circles.
Getting your children involved in sports means they will also be exposed to other kids who will, later on, become their friends. Interstate competitions will also provide them with opportunities to connect to others. In sports, teammates also learn camaraderie, loyalty, and teamwork, important traits in a friendship.
6. Sports helps maintain good bone and muscle health.
When you enroll your children at a young age, chances are they will be less prone to injury growing up. The physical exercise strengthened their bones and muscles. This means healthy development for their bodies, perfect for future growth.
7. Motor skills are developed in sports.
In case you didn’t notice, those kids who are enrolled in sports grow up with better body coordination and a wider brain capacity to learn new skills.

Factors to Consider
1. Does your kid show interest in the sport you chose for them? This is the most important before considering any other factor. Is your child interested?
2. Is your kid built for the sport? Yes, your kid will still develop during the process but from the get-go, you should also consider your kid’s physique, health history, and genetics to determine if he or she is fit for the sport.
3. Do you have the time to be present and show your kid your involvement? Check your schedule to make sure if you have the time to drive and fetch you every practice day. You should also free up your schedule during games.
4. Do you have the budget for it? Let’s be realistic. A sport will require time, commitment, and money.
5. Will the sport affect your other kids? If you have other kids, enrolling one kid in a sport will mean a new schedule has to be worked out. You must find a way to divide your time equally. Ask your partner for help.
6. Is the sport safe for your kid? Another factor to consider is the safety of your kid. Make sure to check equipment the program’s insurance if ever your kid meets an injury.

How to Encourage Your Child to have an Interest in Sports
It is your job as a parent to lead your children in the right direction. We listed down some ways on how you could encourage your child to be involved in a sport or live an active lifestyle.
1. Lead an example. You have to live an active lifestyle so that your kid will likely get inspired with your level of commitment and what value it adds to your life.
Is your concern about lack of time? You may use a desk bike at home like the V9 Pro Home Office Height Adjustable Cycle Desk Bike from Flexispot. If you work from home, you may use this as a desk chair because it offers a comfortable seat cushion you could sit on for hours. Its main function of course is to get you moving with its whisper-like pedaling system. You may burn calories by adjusting the different resistance levels to your fitness goal.
2. Choose a sport to play with your kid. It’s a great bonding time to break a sweat with your kid. Maybe you could jog around the neighborhood, bike at the park, or play table tennis at your garage.
3. Schedule time for sedentary activities. As the parent, you call the shots. Set rules for screen time including the number of hours they could watch TV or play with their gadgets. Having a height-adjustable standing desk for kids could also help. At their age, they can easily shift from standing to sitting with just one press of a button in its up and down the control panel. Its desk height ranges from 29” to 48.6” so the desk could grow along with them.
4. Be present. We couldn’t reiterate this more but your presence matters a lot. They could still feel you’re there with clear communication on why you missed a game. Give words of encouragement whatever the result of the match is and check up on them.