
5 Common Mistakes People Write in their Resumes

20 June 2022

You might have been busy these days hunting for a job.

You have already prepared your resume and cover letters as well as practiced for the interview. Yet no matter what you’ve been doing, you are still not getting hired. You have already applied to tons of jobs that you deem you are suited for but yet, no one has given you a YES or an explicit interest in hiring you for the open job position. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you feel that you have already done everything in your capacity. Searching for this article probably is one sign of frustration, asking for help from the World Wide Web to hopefully get a solution for your dilemma.

First off, relax. You are not the only one struggling to look for a job. There are millions of unemployed people in the world who are looking for a company that will accept them. So relax, because you’ll get hired in one way or another as long as you don’t give up on yourself. Just believe that the right door is coming and it’ll open just for you.

Now, second, tap yourself in the back for being open to research. It can’t all be perfect and you’re still not getting accepted. Something doesn’t add up, and you’re right. For you to get hired, you need to identify what your problem is and address it. One way of researching is looking for a mentor who can check and critique your application. You can also ask a friend from the same industry. Another way to research is what you’re doing right now, exploring the answers that the Internet can provide.

So third, look at what you’re currently submitting to these potential employers. Did you say something wrong in your cover letter? What about the resume—have you not included all pertinent information and made it fit into one page which is the ideal length of a resume?

In this article, we enumerate the top mistakes people make when they sit down to write their resumes. Once you know what these mistakes are, you would have an idea of how to avoid them.

But before we dive deep into that, what should your resume contain in the first place? Basically, your resume is your professional profile. It should speak about your work history, where you received your education, and up to what level, and also list down relevant internship or unpaid working experience and the skills that you have to help you stand out among other applicants who are vying for the job. This is also not the time to be humble or shy. Include your accomplishments back when you were still studying and now that you are working as a professional.

Where do people get it wrong? Here’s a list of common errors:

1. Not connecting your objective to what it can offer to the job posting

It can help to put what your career or job objectives are but it only gives your potential employer an idea of what you’re hoping to achieve if you do get employed by their company. What their concern is what exactly will you be able to contribute to the company and how it’s suitable for the job opening. Highlight what it will contribute to the business once you achieve your career objective.

2. Adding work experience that is not related to the job that you are applying for

You might have the notion that the longer your list, the better. This is simply not the case; you are only making it inconvenient for your interviewer to see if you are fit for the job. What they just want to know is how experienced you are for the job that you are applying for. So only add work experience and skills that are related and relevant to the job position. The work background must show your future employer what experience you have had and what you could bring to the table. List down all your skills that are related to the job opening.

3. Not being specific and detailed

This is not the time to be vague. A good resume will give the necessary details to get hired by the employer. The rule of thumb is to include at least three or five details about your previous job that you can apply for in this new position. Your resume may not be looked at by the company anymore when they see at a glance that you are not fit for the role and for their business. It is also recommended to use action verbs because it gives a sense of what you have done for your previous company that could contribute to the new company you are applying for.

4. Not adding any reference or putting in too many names as your reference

Your application may also be overlooked if you do not add anyone as your reference. You have to beef up your resume but remember that adding too many names can also lead to your destruction. These names should be someone in the know of what you did for the company and how well you performed. You must also inform them in advance that you are adding their names to your resume. Take note also to not use family members or friends as a professional reference. Your employer would automatically regard them as biased and would do more harm to you than good.

5. Not customizing your resume to the job position that you are using it for

When you are actively pursuing someone, you do your best to win them right? This is not the time to slack off. Even if you are applying to multiple jobs, you should still customize each one for the specific company that you are sending it to. The future employer must feel that you made the resume just for them. It doesn’t really mean you are going to start from scratch. You will just tweak details in your resume that will target it to the employer who will be receiving it.

Recommended tool: If you want to get hired soon, you should consider job hunting as your 8 to 5 job. This means you have to equip yourself with the right tool that can help you craft the perfect resume and portfolio to get hired. Use ergonomic furniture to avoid discomfort while working, protect your health in the long run, and help you stay efficient and productive in your job hunting season.