Just because you got employed in your company, doesn’t mean you have to be complacent. Just because you have been working for your company for a while, doesn’t mean you are no longer disposable. Say you did great in your application and bested other applicants up for the role, it doesn’t mean you no longer have to show your company that they made the right choice. You must even show your value more so that they won’t regret their decision of choosing you. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and you should treat it as such. For instance, if it isn’t your dream job and you have other reasons for applying to it, see the benefits that you will be getting from finally going back to the workforce. You’ll be able to pay your bills on time and you'll even get health insurance! The bottom line is, if you don’t have another job waiting for you, the here and the now are where you should show up at your best performance. Congratulations for no longer being part of the unemployed pool that’s filled with hungry applicants lining up from one job opportunity to another.
For some, they get anxious that they might lose their job at any time, especially if they are newly employed. You don’t get job security right away but there are many ways as to how your company can see the value that you contribute to it. Below are some tips on how you could show your efforts to do great at your job and of keeping it.

1. Know why you are staying in your job.
You need to have a strong motivator as to why you are still working for the company. If you do not like what you are doing, you’d just feel miserable but if it’s your choice to stay, look for reasons or any change you can employ or ask higher management to do so that you will have a different mindset towards your job and the company you are working for.
2. Have a good working relationship with your colleagues.
One reason for you to stay and for upper management not to get rid of you is if you work well with your coworkers and bosses. If you finish your tasks and have nothing left to do, why not lend a helping hand to one of your colleagues. Just make sure they know the boundaries of the help you are offering.
Always respect your coworkers, whether they have a lower or higher position than you. Be a reliable team player by always finishing your tasks on time.

3. Work on skills that you could offer to the company.
You are not easily disposable if there are skills that you contribute to the job that no one else can. So even if you are already employed, always be open to improvement and work towards enhancing your strengths and skills. You can quickly become the go-to person when a co-worker encounters certain issues that only you can solve.
4. Work at your best.
Of course, if you are able to finish work and pass your outputs on time and with great quality, then you are an asset to the company. They will most likely not discard you for anyone else. You can still make use of your leaves for a much-needed break but when you come back, you should quickly focus on the responsibilities you have to fulfill.
The most productive employees are often kept by the bosses because, again, they are considered as an asset to the team.
You can work efficiently and productively by investing in ergonomic furniture. They will lessen body discomfort during working, help you stay alert and focused, and promote good health.

5. Always be on time.
Showing up on time is a sign of professionalism. It means you care about your job and you respect the time of your coworkers and bosses. It means that you are dedicated to showing up at your best when you follow the proper call time.
Even during the workday, make sure that you are back in your workspace after the lunch break is done. You become a reliable team player when you are always punctual.
6. Only be absent when you really need it or you decided to take a break for a while.
Protect your attendance by always being present. Save your leaves for sick days and when you want to travel and escape for a while. Getting rest is important but if you call in sick almost every week, it’ll be easy for your boss to discard you as well, so make sure that he or she is in the know if you decide to take a leave for a particular day.

7. Work harmoniously with your manager.
You’d want your relationship with your manager to be as harmonious and genuine as possible. It doesn’t have to be personal; it can be just professional but make sure that you deliver the tasks assigned to you. Make sure he or she is in the know if you are taking a leave of absence or you’re going to be late. Being reliable at work helps your manager trust you and your work ethic. You are also not a lone wolf so step out of your comfort zone and make friends.
8. Be optimistic.
Your bosses will be observing you since Day 1. You have to show them how optimistic and passionate you are about the designation. When you are grateful for your job and you feel positive overall, you’d be able to face any problem that will come your way. Your superior may even notice that your being optimistic will help your other colleagues also be optimistic.

9. Do not hesitate to ask for an evaluation of your work performance.
It may scare you at first but it will help you become a much better employee. Ask your manager how you can improve your list of weaknesses. Asking for feedback will show your managers that you truly value and care for your job and that you want your performance to be at par with what they expect from you.
10. Abide by company policies.
Be an exemplary employee when you follow the dos and don’ts of a company. If something does not sit well with you, you can always head to the human resources department and let them know about your complaint. Always be respectful even when you disagree.