Post COVID-19, many are saying that the future work setup is hybrid. Because the pandemic showed that working from home is possible even for industries that didn’t think it was, remote work has taken a whole new position. It’s definitely not going to be laid to rest anytime soon and there are now more work opportunities available for those who want to be able to work in any part of the world at any given time.
If you’ve been up to date with the news or been following digital content creators, then you have probably observed that more and more people are becoming digital nomads. For people like them, the line between vacation and work is blurred. A vacation is work and work is vacation which may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but is a dream life for many. If you want a similar lifestyle, here are some remote jobs to consider applying for.

1. You may apply as a language tutor.
Even before the pandemic, online English classes have already been around. For sure, there is someone from a different part of the world who would love to learn your mother tongue. It’s easy to look for those students because they are everywhere online. The easiest way is to apply on a platform where they hire language tutors (that’s you) to teach their pool of subscribed students. But if you want to earn more bucks, you may offer your own services. Just make a poster and share it everywhere! All of your classes can be done online, from the introduction to the first module and oral lessons.
2. Audiobook reader is also another job you may want to try.
First things first are to invest in a good microphone for your future job as an audiobook reader. When you have a good microphone, you could do a good audio recording and apply it to read books of authors from a site like ACX. It pays well to those who will qualify and pass the standards of its book authors. So better prepare your portfolio now if you are considering this job. Remember to open your mouth, speak as clearly as possible and enunciate every word.

3. Not a lot of people know there is a remote job called a Luxury Travel Advisor.
In case you don’t know this job profile just yet, sit down and you may want to hear this. At some point in their lives, everyone wants to travel in luxury. What more if you could do it for free and even be paid with a sum for your services? Your job is to give five-star services a try and review those experiences for your client. These include staying in a five-star hotel or traveling first-class. Your review will be used by the client as a guide before they head to the destination they booked for you.
And you know what’s so great about this job? You don’t need any related experience or a specific educational background to apply. What you have to do is identify your niche, relate with your clients well, and always back your opinions with research.
4. A lot of people have been working as Media Buyers, and doing great at it.
If you don’t know what a media buyer is, it’s simply a title for a person who buys digital ad space for clients. At this time, companies, brands, and small businesses want to target consumers who are spending a chunk of their time online. They want to ensure that their product and page advertisements are being shown to their target audience. To qualify for this job title, you have to be in the know about all media platforms, the surfing habits of your client’s target market, and the best strategies in buying great ad space for your brand.

5. If you don’t have much extra time but need extra bucks, try a Transcriber job.
If you just want to have a job on the side, sites like UpWork or TranscribeMe have transcription job offers that pay per output. The payment rate depends on the difficulty of transcribing the audio file, the file’s length, and how long it took you to finish transcribing it.
6. YouTube is free so start a vlogging channel now as a vlogger.
A vlogger is an ultimate digital nomad. You don’t work for anybody other than yourself which means you can literally work anywhere you want and start and end at any time of the day. Your job as a vlogger is to produce video content, post it online and earn based on the number of views your videos will get. Once you grow a following, there are many other payment opportunities that can open such as sponsored partnerships and brand collaborations.
Even though you have these paid posts, the best thing you could do as a vlogger is to be your authentic self so that you would gain the trust of your audience and clients.

7. You may also work remotely as a Graphic Artist.
You can also work remotely as a graphic artist. But to be a freelance worker in this field, you must have your own laptop, installed software programs that you need for your particular editing job, and a solid portfolio to sell your services to potential clients. Your clients may include magazines, websites, businesses, or personal content creators. The usual job involves creating logos and publication materials for promotion and marketing.
8. Offer your services as a Photographer or Videographer.
Have you always had an interest in photography or videography? Take your hobby up a notch by offering documentation services. There are companies like Sweet Escape that hire remote photographers from around the world to take photos of their clients while traveling or in transit.
Of course, there are many jobs that you could also book in photography such as photo coverage of video documentation for an event. Choose a niche, excel in it, and build a network of contacts including clients and other photographer friends.

9. Another job that is on-trend these days is that of a Social Media Strategist.
Similar to a media buyer, brands are now looking for a strategist to devise a calendar plan for their social media presence. There couldn’t be a perfect time to apply for a job like this. You should be prepared to plan down all posts and execute the strategy you have in mind for your client’s business.
10. Work as a Virtual Assistant.
You won’t lose clients as a virtual assistant. Every industry needs it because most people don’t want to take care of logistics or don’t have the time for it. For instance, a documentation team has a wedding to cover this coming weekend but since they’re busy with their many jobs which are to document, they don’t really have the time or energy to book flights, secure their lodging, etc. This is why they’ll be hiring a virtual assistant to take care of the backend and make sure everything runs smoothly.

A Work Set-up Fix
Productivity is one of the biggest enemies of someone working remotely. You need to have the tools to make sure you work efficiently even when you’re not in the office. Instantly upgrade your workstation with a standing desk converter that will help improve your posture, make you alert, and sharpen your focus.
If you’re looking for one, you may check out FlexiSpot’s Standing Desk Converters M7MB-35”. It has a removable keyboard tray, a smooth up and down operation, a wide height range, and a steady and stable structure.